Sunday, December 13, 2009

is so hard

when we had talking to someone who already been love before that seems have the chemistry that memorize all offer it again. i my head is it really about inside my heart or something that of feeling wanted to fix it again and have one more chance to back again. is really stupid that i said like that. i know people have chance to fix their life but when it already done it before that's what the reason people what to fixed and have their better life in the future. (kyaaaaa.... so dramatic( back to reality man))

ya......... if someday i got the chance to get back with someone that i really love to, hmmmm.... i think i just wait, i don't think wait is a good answers for this, wait for it wait for it.... oh ya i try , i don't want to just sit down and wait that usually people were thinking of that, but now let's we also working together with friends from upstair or our believe to guide us hahaha.....

wish me luck guys.

oh ya this day it will be the LATDAS XX for GIRI SUTA so may this event get crazyyyy hahaha.....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

finally home at last

setelah selesai semua tugas2 kuliahku selama ini yg ak kerjakan, akhirny aku bisa balek lage pulang ke kampung halamanku yaitu BALI hehehe..... setibany di bali endak banyak yg berubah walaupun di tinggal setengah tahun perjalanan. palingan yg terbaru mungkin sekolahanku SMA yg dolo dah mao rampung aja sih, sisany BALI MAKIN FUANAS(panas) udah endak ketulungan lage dah. beda banget ama yg dolo2 yg rada2 sejuk2 tp karnak panasny sudah bener2 menusuk dan nunggu bentar d lampu merah aja dah rasany setengah matang >.<

hari ini adalah hari seminar foto yg kedua. sbelumny udah kemaren sih. mayan sih yg ak dpt ilmu banyak dari seminar ini. pembawa acarany tuh Om Darwin bok. kapan lage dia kebali bagi2 ilmuny. walaupun after all banyak yg basic banyak yg break the rule dan berbeda banget apa yg d dpt dari teori yg di dapat waktu d kampus. waktu seksi foto2 dengan modelny wow RAMENY minta ampoen endak kebayang 150 fotographer dadakan memadati tuh 8 model yg udah d sediakan kayak alien lage bentuk kepalany. but after all this event most of all more to modeling lighting studio and indoor, tp kalau pas nanya2 yg laenny jg dia mao sharing dan memberikan solusiny yg baek. nti lah ak kasi fotoku ama dia berdua hahaha...... asekk...
mungkin segini dolo lah cerita yg bisa saya bagi untuk hari ini hehehe....

Women and Soul

some free work that i made after i came to bali. is just about what women are like, and how we look at it.

Monday, November 16, 2009

ketika ngengek menjadi ngongok

duh kenapa ya ak nulis dengan judul aneh tuh -_-; endak jelas deh emang diriku, mungkin karena stress dengan tugas2 terakhir aja mungkin ya jd ngongok gt. nah mungkin dari tugasny yg biasa2 tuh menjadi d lebih2kan mungkin nya ya, makanny jd ngongok. arrrghhhHh....

hari ini aku ngeprint tugas buat typo kira2 jam 9an pagi lah gt. nah di waktu yg begitu pagi sudah ada org yg nunggu buat print coba loh. nah saking dah d buka tmpt print shopny, orgny yg pada nunggu tuh pada masuk semua dengan bergegasny untuk mencari line antrean. nah dimulai lah masa2 nunggu2 yg menjengkelkan nih. untuk 3 org aja ya itu makan waktu 3 jam buat ngeprintny bok. bayangin aja nunggu dsana dah kayak kambing congek dan trus itu jantung dah komat kamit ngeliat apa tugas ini selesai ato kaga lah. setelah menunggu lamany minta ampun akhirny giliranku untuk ngeprint nih (yeeee ^^) nah setelah print print print terrnyata ada yg salah printan ku , ak dah pusing dah ama tugas ini dan entah mengapa hidup ku kayakny langsung hancur sedemikian rupa. trus untungny ak bawa file cadanganny nih. nah embak2 yg jagany jg bilang malahan klo dari file pdf malah lebih bagusan. ak sendiri bingung donk ama kata2ny dia setelah ngeliat ada file tuh. rasany hati gmn ato dia gmn untungny dia berbaik hati mau ngeprint lage tuh setelah kesalahan yg ak hadapi td (SHIT for my self). dan disuruh lah ak untuk datang lage jam 4an tuk ngeliat udah slesai ato belom. pulang lah aku.

nah sesudahny jam 4 itu, buku2 temenku dah jd semua d bind, ternyata punyaku masi belom. tau2ny bukuku d lupain ama embkny (ngefet) yaudah lah namany cobaan harus d terima, mungkin ada salah gmn lah akny d dulu2. -_-. setelah itu nunggulah ak dr jam 4 tuh ampe baru d kerjain tuh buku ku dan kelar jam 10 malem bok. banyangkan tuh betapa harus menungguny ak. untungny lage sebelum ak ngambil tuh temenku ngingetin ak buat ngecek bukuny. nah tau2ny salah sususan semua. ak balikan udah tuh buku fiiuhh~~~..... untung, dan akhirny kelar jg tuh buku karnk.

entah dari mana suara bercicit cuit denger lah komentar temen ku yg habis dari presentasi. tauny guruku NGAMUK!!! wiw, dia komentarny kalang kabut entah mengapa kayak dia tuh paling penting pelajaranny dan endak isa ngeliat penderitaan kt selama ini ( engak kayakany hahaha). nah setelah denger begituan ak langsung aja parnok, dan gelisah stress sendiri. ngeliat kerjaan ku simple banget bukuny dan rasany harus d tambahin apa gt kek biar lebih ok lah gt buat d kumpul. sesampainy d rmh temen langsung lah ak berpikir untuk membuat packagingny buku ini. dan segala kepanikan di mulai. mencoba lah lage ak mencari tau info2 dari temen. entah mengapa temenku yg ini baik sekali ngasi nasehat buat diriku supaya pede dan maju aja present. toh jg ak dah selesai dan siap kumpul (walaupun simple and nothing special about it). mulai tenang lah diriku ini.

karank ini hanya bisa mencoba menenangkan diriku buat presentasi nti siang ini -_-;
besok mencoba ngeprint packaging designku dan present lebih cepetan lah, biar mengakhiri penderitaanku ini.

doakan ak ya.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dream in Melaka

dream always dream. it never be happen if we don't think about what we're dreaming for.
what u imagine sometimes can be happen. so dream what u want to dream.

Party UP

sudah lama banget endak update blog ku ini yg terbengkalai, ya mumpung otak lage pengen update sempet2in ahhh... (walaupun tugas2 pada menunggu). minggu2 ini sudah mulai mendekati minggu2 finishing. Tugas2 harus di selesaikan dengan cepat dan itu tinggal 3 minggu lage OMG..... endak terasa kali ya. setelah perjuangan lama lage, dengan penuh tumpah darah penghabisan dan tawa d semester ini bakal berakhir dan kita semua bakal balek lage ke kampungny masing2.

semester ini kayakny walaupun cuma 4 mata kuliah tp rasany tuh gmn ya sedikit tp tugasny harus d kerjakan molo dan itu bakal d submit pada minggu2 akhir. untuk sekarang ini dari 4 subject itu sudah mulai berkurang satu persatu nih. minggu depan untuk kelas marketing bakal presentasi trus selesai, minggu depan kelas design research yg bakal di presentasikan dan itu yg subject yg paling menaktukan d sepanjang semster ini, typo itu minggu2 terakhir bakal d kumpul jd harus mengejar2 nih karank, dan yg terakhir kelas advertising yg entah simpang siurny ya benerny sama aja ya cuma bakal d presentasikan pada week2 akhir jg nih. pifff....

Hari ini saya senang sekali, karena design typoku sendiri sudah bisa d pakai cihuii..... tp itu masi 1 serif sih. tinggal 2 lage harus di finishing lage arrrghhhh..... sehabis tuh typo dah ak convert tinggal bikin flyer ama typo book -_-; yg tinggal 2 minggu lage man. shit.... tp entah mengapa namany seorang pelajar harus mulai d kejer2 dari sekarang nih tgs2ny hahaha..... dah mulai gila lage nih hahahaha.....

harus bekerja keras nih minggu2 penentuan nih O_O kalong mode :on

Friday, October 16, 2009

sudah lama ya?


hahahaha...... sudah lama banget aku endak menyentu ini site bok. entah mengapa saat2 ini mumpung lage pengen mengungkapan sesuatu dari dalam hati aja sih apa yg terjadi beberapa saat ini. isitilahny ya pengalaman ku lah. i can't wait to telling you guys.

my friends who follow this event. try to look at the back so many people right -_-

minggu lalu ak lage ngikutin lomba foto nih. untuk ke 2 kaliny aku mengikuti lomba foto selama aku di malaysia. Acarany sih di adakin ama CANON dan bener2 free khusus canon doank (hihihih....) yalah namany jg sponsor terbesar. Dsana kita mendapatkan baju dan topi dari acarany tersebut. mungkin acara2 beginian baru pertama ya buat diriku. ya foto2 trus langsung di submit gt ke juriny (masukin pake internet bok, dah maju aja). nah lombany nih itu d kasih 3 tema dari mreka. nah tema2ny ini sungguh2 membingungkan untuk mendapatkanny. bayangkan saja orang yg ikut tuh sekitar 2500 org bok(katany) dan fotony d 1 lokasi di sunway lagoon dan berpakaian merah gitu dmana2. gila dah, bingung dah mikir mau foto gimanaan. ya mayan lah cari penglaman ama fun2 lah mumpung ada acara beginian, masuk gratis lage dsanany ahahahaha...... tp malesny ak puasa nok dsana endak makan cuma minum air keran doank. makan palingan sempetin waktu ak lage break tuh baru kt semua bergegas cari namany makanan di SUNWAY. nah entah mengapa d otak rasany mao makan yg ok lah. Nyasar lah ke namany SUshi King cui. beringas lah kt dsana. sesudah makan tuh kt semua balek buat nungguin hasil pengumumanny sapa yg bakal menang. eh tau2ny kt nunggu2 ampe malem jam 10an gt tau2ny malah di kasi tau besok ama juriny. Alhasil entah mengapa hasilny tuh kurang memuaskan dan ada namany kecurangan dikit lah dr hasilny itu. tp yaudalah nikmati aja. toh jg aku foto jg buat berbagi ama org2 laen jg. toh org2 laen jg ada yg seneng ama foto2ku yippie.

itu cerita minggu lalu yg mayan melelahkan lah. seandainy ada lage hmmm..... pasti ikut lage donk ^^

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

kepercayaan yg membingungkan

ketika d semster ini pergaulanku, kepercayaan yg ak pegang pun mulai goyah. entah karena hasil dari kemampuan itu agama ataupun aku nya kurang bisa mengasahny lage dari hasil yg ak dapat ini. hingga ak harus mencari2 hasil2 dari agama kepercayaanku sendiri, dan hasilny mereka memuaskan. suatu ketika jg hasil yg ak inginkan tuh tercapai jg. secara hati ingin terus mengasah terus d segi editingny.

emang saat ini ak sering bergaul dengan temen2 yg memegang agama pesaing yg ak ak pegang ini emang menyangkan dan enak d ajak sharing, karena menemukan hal2 yg baru lage lah. Dikala itu jg ak melihat hasil2 yg mereka dapat itu membuat ak bingung dengan hasil yg ak dapat. apa ada yg salah ya. disitulah mulai ada namany apa ak beli satu lage ya. d lihat2 dari segi kemampuan ak masi percaya apa yg ak pegang saat ini dan itu masi isa d explore lage. mungkin akuny yg kurang mengeksploreny.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Perjalanan yg terkadang memutarkan

setiap saat aku meratap ke monitor komputerku terasa amat bingung dengan apa yg bakal ak pilih untuk bakal di lakukan selanjutny. Selayakny sehari2 hanya meratai komputer dengan keseharian mencari FB, DA,news, dsbny membuat dunia tuh terasa jenuh dan bingung apa yg aku mau lakukan. terkadang pengen rasany jalan sendiri bisa di lakukan apa yg aku inginin untuk menjalanin hidup ini tapi emang sudah dari sana nya aku bingung untuk memilih suatu pilihan yang tepat karena selalu d bawa dengan pemikiran yg terlalu jauh untuk d pikirkan dan terkadang sesuatu yg d pikirkan panjang hari itu saat endak d pikirkan malah menjadi suatu kesalahan.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Assignment assignment assignment

gila tinggal 2 minggu lage tugas2 kuliah ku bakal d kumpulin. semester ini bener2 berantakan dah jadwal ama tugas2 ku. typo masi kalang kabut blom jadi, marketing belom masuk2 kelas aja, advert dah harus on monitor, design research ada tgs yg harus d tonton baru di rangkum dan di kumpul minggu depan ini. buset dah numpuk amet.

gimana ya, kebanyakan maen nih ama mulai males2an nih aku ny. merasa bersalah dan pengen kelarin tugas2ku nih. berikan kekuatan untuk mengerjakan ini dan kuatkan iman saya Tuhan. Semoga bisa kelar nih tugas2ku.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Optimus Pixel

just trying do my best doing this thing and supposedly is bumblebee that i want to make it but suddently my hand star squaring the pixel so become this one lah. i think better next time if i got he mood already hahaha.....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tear off

past view hour ago i was watching movie "10 promises to my dog". this movie is really touching of my hearth. the story is about a girl that have a loyal dog that always made her not so lonely when his dad was doing his job as a surgery doctor.

this movies have a good story to watch it. i don't if your so sensitive probably this movie gonna make your tear came out. the ending part song of this films have similarity that I recognizing some song from my home country. "ibu kita kartini" from indonesia. i don't know if the lyric meaning in this movie is same or with that one. when i heard that song is probably talking about moms live that we need to appreciated.
i recommended you to watch this.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

mini world

KL mini toy world

this world that we step on, we're like a toy that have been played by someone else in the ups there. we just like to playing around with our life but somehow people will down, and happy again. arrrhh... i don't know what i wanna talk again.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fucking Money

This morning i got heard from my friend that my bus that going to campus is now not going to go there, and change it into my campus bus that really suck. the reason we planed to move here is the free transportation and suddenly my campus is trying to get more money by stopping the public bus into their own bus.

Really shit that we gonna pay bus that not always available in anytime, and the route. i don't know how, but make me really hate this thing.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

An earlier day

Phone Alarm was ringing and my waker also wake me up but failed, after that my friends calling me to wake me up that one is the successes one. 2 people woke me up with calling me and text me.

in the day we planed to shot marco, bird (if lucky enough to take), landscape or just gathering around talking together. most of all that thing we did it and a lot of fun happen. we sharing all of thing in there.

I just brought my canon canon 16-35 mm and my lovely sigma 105 mm macro lenses in my camera bag. i only bringing those all thing cause in my mind is hard to capture a bird in taman tasik and must passion to look at it so i don't bring my tele lenses. also i want to relax in that day so why do i need to bring my heavy lenses.

while i'm in there i first thing i try to capture a landscape in there but not kind good weather right now. fog is covering the sky. then i changed again to my macro, and used it until the end of that day. in my mind i wanted try to capture something new to capture and to see. maybe for macro photo i got to capture some dragonfly and some kind of caterpillar that so fast it moving around in the grass.

we walked there and find our place to rest and saw kingfisher around the lake was stand around the bamboo. i told my friends to captured it and then they looked at where i pointing at and in one second they change their lenses into their tele lenses. they try to sneaking from another side and the other one frontal to the bird place. not around half of it the bird is already escaping. hahahaha..... not lucky but that kind of feeling of getting picture of that bird make me wanted to bring my tele lenses but neee.... no way la. we go back after done with taking picture in there.

thinking of how we go back, we walk again from taman tasik into cyber again, after we arrive to cyber some of my friend put back their heavy bag and then we all go and have eat in padang.
is quite interesting day, when i woke up my head got half headache. i quite annoying me.

this picture I captured when in Taman Tasik with my 105mm macro lenses

Sunday, August 9, 2009

1, 2, 3.... Happy B'day

yesterday is my birthday. I just realize that I'm growing older, and i need to be mature ( a bit), also thinking more wisely than before.
i think just that i'm hoping for.

what i got when my B'day is go my self into the pool, and the day my friends threw me into the swimming pool. so i got to times to swim.
that's memory that i will kept it always.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tanah Lot Moment

all this holiday, most of my photo i captured Landscape, bug and human photos. i really wanted to take a fashion photo while i'm in Bali. I think is not the time for me hahahaha......
enjoy the photo.

some of this photo i take it in different day and time.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

is hard to forgetting someone

when the times is past away. each day by day, into a month to month, and into a year. My mind is trying to forgetting someone but eventually each time i contact with that person my head is always trying to tell to back to her. and each time i met her, i don't know but in my feeling is telling that i become more closer to her but the truth is i still didn't know her very well.

so shit that i still love her but i cannot pay what i have did last time. hope i can found who the one become my partner of my life.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

with happy and joy

after a long time i in Malysia, i finally came at home. but when i already been here and i so excited to see my friends in Bali, i got sick. that i was thinking that i got pig flu and it's not haha... day by day i feel more better and suppose that this day is the day that i was healthier.

lake buyan sunset

before that 3 days ago i go camp wih my friends in buyan tambilangan. so long that i haven't go to camping and back to nature. in that day i'm not feeling so well, but i push my limit cause i need to go with my friends. that day i felt so happy that a lot of thing happen in there like before. i can met my junior from GS, and my old friends. at night the wildness came in the camp fire. we celebrate with singing loud loud, and accompany with hot drink hehehe you that what i mean is. many bird is fall down cause of the hot of the drink that we drank it, with happen and joy we enjoy the moment.

The next day i extend stay in there, cause of all want to stay there more longer with more ransum, and drink will be supply from friends. Oh ya, we got a neighbor now from Tabanan High school. so in the next day, i thought is gonna same like last time, but ISN'T. Is more crazier than the last time.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Home Home Home

Today i cannot imagine that i will back again to my hometown. i feel so excited to go back that yesterday i really hard to get sleep, like an always usually do. before i leaving malaysia, i go to my friends place to have talking and have fun with them. I'm so happy that i can enjoy my friendship with the other in here. Many laughs, smile, joke, and memories to remember until i go back here again.

i will miss them all my friends in malaysia. Many differences with my friends in hometown and here. each place got their own smile, laugh, joke and story to be remember.

Thank for this semester, i really enjoy my semester with all you guys in here. for now i going back to my home. i be leaving here around 1PM and my plane gonna take off around 4.

Hope we can meet again in the next sems and thank you again.


Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Funny Rushing day

this day is suppose to be my last day for all my assignment to finished but i still have 1 subject need to be finish by next week. today i just submitting CD for photography subject. after i gave it to my lecturer, we went out and sitting for a while, waiting one of my friend pasting his work and want to submit his work. Suddenly my lecturer that i gave my CD came and sat and chill around with us, it's so funny when one of my friend i disturbed by me just saying the one word "it's a secret." After we all finish chat chatting with him and my friend already done with submitting but the submitting was postpone to monday so we when back home and have a lunch.

When the afternoon I was going to watch "Monster VS Alien." The movie is so funny for me, with the stupidity of the monster. This movies is about a Women that she had a dream to go to Paris with his husband, Suddenly a meteor fall down and hit the girl. Meteor got the radioactive that give the women of power become a giant permanently. The girl was captured by secret agent of the goverment that the name of the agent was secret and bringing her to the secret basement which the place have the monsters that had been captured by the agent. she become the one of the members of the agent and fight the alien the rest of the story just watch is you so curious about that. I think it was better when watched in 3D glasses.

I got some problem to after i watched the movie. I need to come to my friends B'day. I cannot force my friends to go back earlier. So i must wait until can the time. I was so late of it but i tried to make it and i finally make it into the place and already a bit to late for that. and when i in there, i got the feeling to watch out about the monster cake that gonna attack me. So in there i was alert a bit, because of i try to stay in there for while then suddenly the monster cake in came true, his now attacking us with slummiest cake. first i succeeded to escape from that, then suddenly some jackass came to me and i was already aware her to not to give me the slummy cake and she dare it and i got the cake in my and i gave the cake to her face ( so happy for that). then suddenly the monster cake now is running and we all escaping from him then the stupidity of my i was to long to think where i should go then he came to and his hand caught me in my t-shirt ( damn i was a bit of emotion but is ok already) and i told to him to stay away and i explain it to him why. so when i'm back again suddenly one of my friend gave a slummy flour to my face, and in my mind is already turn on the crazy mode. I go to her and i took the slummy from my face to her face, haahaha..... and the party is on. i go after my friends but they already escaping mostly i want to capture my most wanted friend hahahaha.....

Done with that i went back home and take a bath and done it of one hole day with many kind of unique day.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Oh almost FINISH

this day i so happy. There many thing that made me happy today

  • Already done my Design Studies work, just need to bind the journal hahaha...
  • done with photography presentation today, just need done the thin journal hahaha....
  • Booklet finish already just need submit.
  • illustration just need to submit 2 more
  • one of my friends told me a good news hahaha ( it's secret)
and now i can chat with all my friends in happy mode hahahaha ^^
i smell the smell HOLIDAY AND HOMETOWN


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pissst off

Men this day is the day i supposing to be done my magazine design and is done but there's a who that I already ask to him to helping with my project. I already asked him around last thursday about some interviewing him in my magazine. It's just a simple interview that everyone can finished around 10 minutes probably. Is different with him. It's took until this day for waiting for the interview message and this day doesn't come out either man. I wonder what is he doing it all day. I already pissst off with him and my head suddenly want to said that why he didn't repaly my massage and answer anything, is like want to running away from me. So pity for me for picking a wrong guy for doing this thing. If it like his busy in this time tell me that i should know how his situation. Really make me sick of this thing.

so stress my ego and emotion is gonna blew up if somebody mess with this dummy guy. In my mind is forcing me to yell to someone and want to said piiippp word. 

So this day is will my presenting day for photography and for me is not exciting anymore. Yesterday the printing has been printed out and took it already. the first thing in my head is "is gonna be a good day tralalalala." while coming to the campus. When i came into the photolab and find out.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy B'day

"Happy Birthday Sri, I hope this year will be a great year for u and may you wish come true."

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hari2 yg penuh pengejaran

i don't know how, why in this night I still awake until 4am man. Rushing with my project all the time, 1 assignment already finished just need to print it and submit, other 4 still in the progress.
Come on DUDE you can do this thing (hope so) 

Friday, May 29, 2009

2 more days

Putrajaya Mosque

At this time all GDD 4 are struggling to finish all their assignment in this week. Their still 5 assignment that waiting for be done, and when i think of it all the assignment probably can be done in this sunday (hope so). So many distribute being thing that always blocking my way to finished all the work. I need to finish 4 assignment first in 2 day.

pifff..... maybe i to lazy to do all this thing because that i always thought about go back home already. Sh*% man what I gonna to do. WORK WORK WORK WORK

Friday, May 15, 2009

This Year is so Hard to handle

I don't know want I want to aspect in this year. last year I was wondering if like in this year my life is gonna be great but unfortunately that was not i hope for. My lenses, hanphone, laptop was gone when I back to my home. That kind of sign was gave me senses that this year is gonna be hard and I just take easy on it.

few days before was the day that my life changing again. everything that what was suspected before turning to be friend and helping. That make me so weird that suddenly who has two-face now turning in into the one who understand the situation and want to help to solve the problem. second case is someone who I'm in love is turning away from me and  and the word that always kept in my mind is turning into a bullshit but still care about it and hope this thing can be faster to solve. This year is really the gonna be smooth way to pass.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Masjid Putrajaya

mengapa d bulan2 ini penuh dengan beban yg harus d pikul. Bingung untuk harus melakukan yg inggin kita lakukan tapi terhalang oleh sesuatu hal yg bikin merasa jauh untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah tersebut. Pengen rasany setiap masalah itu bisa d selesaikan dengan mudah, tetapi sayangnya.....

Tinggal menunggu beberapa bulan lage sudah bakal merasakan lagi udara sejuk dan panasny Bali. Ada misi yg harus ak selesaikan d Bali. Doakan aja semua beban d bulan2 ini bisa dpt teratasi semua.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just Enjoy

Petronas Tower around 6pm-to 7pm

I don't know what's going on this day but when i read a article or a news, or movies was talking about Dooms Day at 2012. Why that kind of news been spread to all the people in earth. Why just kind of prophecy that made us afraid, thinking shortly, and do something bad or something else. It's better if the news is like global warming that make us more care to environment around us.

JUST ENJOY OUR LIFE NOW wether any news talking about doom's day or anything.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fly Hunting

I forgot about the date i was taking this picture. That day Me, gilang, and Fajar plan to go hunt a bird at lake garden, suddently after we came into the Kl sentral the destination that last time my friends wanted to change to shot butterfly.

and here the result of that day we shot.

this is butterfly don't want to let it go from my friends hands, it so weird. I thought he has an odor to lure some butterfly hehehe.....

first thing i was curious about a family that looking at the pool, when i came closer it. i found a Frog was peeking. 

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Inside of my life

walaupun hidup terus berlanjut, banyak cerita dan warna yg mewarnai hidup kita apakah itu putih, hitam, abu2, merah, biru, kuning ,dsb pasti ada memory yg selalu kita kenang. Setiap org pasti mempunyai pengalaman buruk yg d pernah alami dan itu masi terus membekas d hati.
Aku sendiri tidak selamany senang, gila, dan penuh dengan canda. Walau terkadang jarang orang bisa ngelihat sisi jelekku. Biasa teman2 itu sering bercerita tentang masa kecilny dia yg senang2, ceria, lucu, dan sebagainy tapi ak sendiri merasa minder terhadap masa kecilku yang jarang berwarna, di waktu smp ak hidup dengan coba2, ngikut sana ngikut sini cuma untuk bisa masuk dalam pergaulan d sekolahku, tp mungkin hidupku tuh lebih terasa berwarna saat beranjak ke sma. Mungkin itu karena di sana ak ada tempat yang pas menaruh inspirasiku disana dan belajar.
Pengen rasanya punya kenangan masa kecil yg panut d kenang, walaupun masa kecilku kebanyakan uda lupa dalam pikiranku. Kalau ada kesempatan kembali masa lalu pengen rasany ngeliat masa kecilku itu.

Empty Holiday spirit

This semester break it's should be a quite nice holiday that all the assignment will be given by after the sems break and can go refreshing for a week. Somehow some of the assignment still been given by some of the lecture's. Assignment that i must do some just need to be submit a drawing, some just need to research some meaning, and the last some of the assignment NEED to be improve and keep going each of every week. Rest of the assignment is ok for me but the last part so annoying  to me.

Last week some of my subject have new assignment to do. I need to create a Batik packaging design so before i the day of the show the progress time, I already Sketch some design. The day of the show the progress my design and my product is fighting each other that has been said by my lecture, and she need me to rethink and design more to her again. I sketched again but when i wanted to show to her, she said " i just wanted to see this and this guy only" its mean my friends that haven't showed their idea. Seems my progress still stuck in the first step and she already need for the after the mid break to see progress in computer.

This hole week I tried to enjoy my holiday with my friend, and my self. It like this week I spent a lot money to buy, and used it for fun. My Hole moths I save my money it useless my shoppingholic mode is mode. The last thing i need my assignment need to be get approve. Three more day i already come in ordinary day again.

Bless Me God that this subject I can pass.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dilema dilema dilema dilema

wadoh2 d hari yg tenang ini aku malah harus bingung lage sama pilihanku nih >.<
setelah aku buka2 untuk cari informasi buat lensa 70-200mm f/2.8 L Usm ternyata ketajamanny kalah jauh sama yg f/4 L Usm Is nih. bingung jg ya harga lebih murah kemampuan ada bedany d antara satu sama laen. Disisi F/4 tajem dpt, ringan, ada isny, bokeh kurang tao, klo d F/2.8 secara pengalaman si ok sih, tp setelah d pantau2 lage ternyata F gede lebih mengungguli F kecil malahan.
Masi perlu d tanya2 nih masi rada ragu untuk membeliny di antara keduany. Susah dah klo sudah demen ama fotografi bawaanny ke lensa2. piffff........

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Taman Tasik in Red World

kyaaa..... finally my diana give me a nice photo......
but so sadly most of the film is burned of. >.<
so sad.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

T . I . R . E . D

so tired this day and lazy to do anything, but this day i must go with my friends go to an art exhibition this day, and i need also to attend to an event also.
i gonna be a long day and stressing day.

Friday, March 27, 2009

When Happiest day become gloomy day

This day i got a message from my mom that said " the last baby dog is died already" is so sad i heard that news. First i optimize that this last baby dog can survive but after that my day so gloomy and so lazy to do anything.
Last week my dog birth 4 puppies that was so exacting day of my life that finally my dog have their next generation. first puppy  is female dog that my mom give her name  Toto that name so cute and i also can imagine that the kinds gonna be cute and so happy. Next day 3 puppies but a puppy died because the lungs isn't perfect yet.
3 days ago 2 puppies died because to weak, and the milk from the mother didn't come out and no nutrition . 1 more puppy still survive but weak. I so down about that but my friends encourage me to optimize but in the end.....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tidak bs berpikir

Entah mengapa bangsa yg saya tinggalin sekarang ini gitu begitu mudahny menelan suatu informasi dan tidak d pikirkan terlebih dahulu apakah itu bener ato salah. Indonesia dahulu mempunyai seorang pemimpin yg begitu d banggakan oleh rakyatny semua tp entah mengapa setelah d ambil alih oleh orang diktator langsung namany hilang begitu saja, dan perlakuanny tidak begitu manusiawi.

Trend yg lage top saat ini adalah trend jadi caleg2 pemerintah yg d mana banyak dari para caleg bikin spanduk untuk memilih mereka. Entah mengapa para caleg tuh harus membikin fotony mereka d jalan2 tp kita endak tao apa visi misi mereka, latar belakang politik mereka, dan tujuanny d buat tuh buat apa kita sendiri endak kenal tuh orang. Caleg2 tuh berlomba2 membikin spanduk2 raksasa yg bener2 menganggu jalanan, pemandangan, dan endak berguna sekali walau hanya sekedar foto muka terus yg berisikan nama dia dan no partai dia yg d contreng. Hingga sampai2 sekarank spanduk para caleg tuh tidak menunjukan lage nilai orang intelegtualny, ada yg foto calegny maen biliar lah, ada yg jadi petinju lah, ada yg pake nama anak sapa lah, pake bintang2 luar negri yg mereka endak kenal entah dari belantara mana kok isa nyambung lah, mirip2 obama lah ( emang kontes mirip2an).

Kita sudah bisa ngeliat dari spanduk2 tersebut gmn org2 yg bakal duduk d kursi pemerintahaan lage. Mayoritas dari mereka hanya ingin merubah status mereka. Penglaman politik 0, otak orangny 0, kerjaan mereka sebelumny  yg bikin orang ragu(satpam, yg punya cafe2 lah, penyanyi,artis). Mending kalo dalam benak saya tuh setiap partai tuh hanya menunjuk orang2 yg mereka sudah tao bisa dalam mengurusin bidangny dan cukup memilih partainy saja, daripada sekarang kan lebih keliatan kan betapa bodohny para pempimpin2 bangsa ini kalu d pegang orang2 yg tidak berpengalaman. saya hanya isa berharap kepada negara tercintaku ini untuk bisa maju terus. saya selalu optimis akan kemajuanny.

Negara yg saya tinggalin tuh penuh dengan sejarah yang bikin orang terkagum2 dan banyak nilai2 heroic ny. Entah mengapa negarku ini tidak mau menerima apa yg terjadi sebernarny sungguh membutakan dan merubah sejarah seenakny dia aja. Walaupun kebohongan buat mereka tuh baik, tp liat jg dari sisi kebenaranny. tidak sampai harus menjelek2an sapa. Kebeneran emang selalu saja baik. Orang2 yg inggin membela negara kita aja malah d bilang musuh.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Poka Poka

Ada 2 orang turis yg tersesat d hutan amazone. Sewaktu mereka sedang mencari jalan keluar, tiba-tiba mereka menemukan sebuah kampung orang amazone dan mereka tertangkap oleh orang-orang sana. Kepala suku datang ke 2 orang turis tersebut dan menanyakan kepada mereka "kalian pilih di poka-poka dan kalian boleh lepas atau mati" dan para turis tersebut menjawabny dengan " kami pilih poka-poka." Kepala suku dengan tersenyumnya menyuruh para turis tersebut untuk membuka celana mereka dan nungging, "pasukan poka-poka mereka." Dengan beringasny para pasukanny menusuk pantat mereka dengan tombak berkali-kali. Kepala suku " sudah cukup kalian boleh lepas karank." Para turis dengan gembira kalau mereka bisa lepas dari maut.
Mereka berjalan dengan terseot-seot, dan terasa kesakitan karena pantat mereka yg abis tertusuk-tusuk oleh tombak tadi, tiba-tiba mreka menemukan perkampungan lage dan mereka tertangkap lage. Kepala suku 2" kalian pilih di poka-poka atau mati?!" Mereka sudah sudah tao kalau d poka-poka tuh bakal menderita banget dan mereka akhirny memilih mati. Kepala sukuny 2 menjawab " Pasukan Poka-Poka mereka samapai mati." Para turis d tusuk-tusuk pantat mereka lagi hingga mati.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Around the North Bali

I just planed with my friends luna before i will come to Bali again to journey the half of Bali in 3 day with money Rp 100.000 by motor bike. we planed around 4 people will follow this journey, me, luna, benji, and karol, but when the day is come, Me and luna already fix will go, benji and karol got some problem that they have to wait in their home cause their parent was in the java. i was thinking that "do i go or not", luna already ask the permission with his mother to go around 3 days and will go wether i go or not he still we go. I  settle it i company him for those days with just 2 of us.
The Trip start from benji house to ubud the place that our relative in there and many kind of art, and crafts is there. we was looking for food after we arrived there. we ate at small warung. The food in there most of all expensive rather than in denpasar, after we finished eating me and luna find now trying to find a place to stay in there then we found a homestay. We paid around Rp 50.000 for  a couple room, we already got breakfast, drink, and some snack in there ( i think is enough for me and good prize). We go to the room and put our stuffs in there then we go out again. searching for entertainment in there is kind of hard in the middle of the night just some traditional dances but i lazy to pay for that so we just walking around there and snap some picture there. Is quite fun go around with one friend in there. Done with walking and took some picture we go back to our room, and we had chat" for a while, then we go sleep.
The next day we pack our stuffs and had breakfast and we go again the journey. The destination now we go to Kintamani where a nice few we can snap picture on. Before we go to the next destination, we go to our relative in there, it's monkey forest. We entered there for free. Why free? cause we try to enter the exit way ^^ that people though we already been there before so we went there and take some picture and we go to the next round. While we on the road, we stop for while to see elephant cave, paid around Rp 8000 we just enter the place, the place is so interested and the unique of the structure and there's have a Buddhist statue of buddha that already broken and lost some of the part because of the valcano. I was amaze that buddhism also been a part in there Bali before. We finished walk there we go again. We luckily found a banjar that was cutting a pig for their ceremony then we go again and finding for any warung or restaurant near there, after we done with that we go again. suppose we already near kintami but we are lost in the middle of nowhere a new road for us, we just thinking to follow the road, and we found a warung and asked them "how to go to batur" and he just told us to follow the road and suddenly we found a big chicken in there. I forgotten to take that chicken cause of the time we need to chase for. Right and the road now, and now we already back in to it. we finally arrived to near to batur we took some picture done with that we directly go to singraja the town of nice food.
Singaraja, luna has some relative in there, cause it's his mother childhood, now we can sleep for free in there. Singaraja is only have some a black sand, dolphin, quite and nice food. at night we go find some food to eat and go explore there then after done with that we go sleep.
the last day of the journey the destination now is go back to denpasar. We started to go to waterfall near singraja that i forgot the name of the waterfall, while we go there. There have some accident in there, a warung ( warung tuak) got crash by a car. done with snapping picture we directly go to gianyar, and go to denpasar.

It's have a fun day in there and adventure with just two of us. explore north of bali. Now we trying to plant to explore south of bali, that have can be done around 2 days. wish me luck and thank you luna for the trip.

Sometimes the Small Thing Can Turn into a Big Beauty

Beauty not always must be pretty like a top model, or exotic creature like butterfly that everyone already though in their mind that kind of thing can be call as pretty or beautiful. we can make everyone to be a beautiful like a model or exotic like a butterfly by imagine how can we turn the object that you want to to be the pretties. Like this small thing of bug that i took it long time ago. we just recognize that this bug is yakky or you want to kill this little thing, but this bug not so yakky if we can think that this bug can be nice and exotic in the sense of art or beauty itself. every little piece of thing, creature, human, and other else can be nice, we just imagine that we can turn that thing into a beauty way.