Monday, November 19, 2012

Ended the this chapter and start new chapter of my life

Not much I have to say, maybe just the feeling that I already put it on it I must over it. However it ended with a bad ending, but other wise this's I must choose to start a new beginning of my new story. A lot of thing that I was learn and know what I'm still missing. No body is perfect as most people have a lot to say. Take it slow and easy to set the setup for my life in the future.

The beginning of this new chapter perhaps have a lot of challenges and interesting thing to be solve and know. I'm just hoping everything gonna be alright and have something the excitement that I'm gonna get from what I have been chosen this way. This is what the mystery that we never know what gonna happen but just prepare what you wish and what you get.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The New film Impossible Project PX680

Here some of the new result of the Impossible Project PX 680 film. It really impressive that they came out with a brand new chemical that more stable and the color more accurate with the previous film ( even the previous one already good). I'm just hopping that Impossible Project always bringing us a new and spectacular innovation with the chemical for the polaroid film and keep survive in this Digital world era. The character this film bringing is more yellowish and have some purple color a bit. This color it really suit with how a retro camera or classic film bringing out. The bad thing about this film just you need to be patient to look at the result. I think I need around 10-20 minute to see the result. Quite long to be patient to look at the picture, but at the end you will say WOW!!!

 Tips: I test with this film my SX-70 with ND filter glass attached on front of my camera. First thing that you need to know that this film a bit different with the previous PX 600 or PX680. This new film if you using SX-70 and have ND filter on it, when you want to snap a picture need to remember to turn the exposure wheel into a 1/3 or 1/4 to black side. This film a bit brighter if you put in middle wheel. This what I experienced with some several shoot that I took.

Overall result it's impressive that's all I have to say.

This one I tried it with the middle exposure

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tips and Trick Lomo LC-Wide for Hyper Vignetting

Big Giant Tree Ancestor 

It's almost a year I'm using Lomo LC-Wide for becoming my partner to capturing my everyday moment. I'm always happy using this camera for a simple camera with only 2 focusing distance and with full of trick and I can go experiment with this camera. There's a lot of trick that with can do and have fun with it. This's one of the Tips and trick that you can do with Lomo LC-Wide. I tried some trick that I was curious with it, is it possible I to doing it or not.

Sanur Fishermen Jukung

I was trying to make a Hyper Vignetting or easy way to understand is a heavy black corner if you don't know the term. It's quite easy way to doing it. First time I was tried with my friend LC-A by try to close the lens protector a bit and try to shoot it and it wasn't want to capture. Then I tried with my LC-Wide with no film attached and It's work. Then tried with film and go out for hunting and explore with the trick. It came out with an amazing Vignette that I got a really black corner. Just try to close 1/3 or 1/4 your LC-Wide protector with a Full frame size frame then just snap it. The more you close the lens protector the more black you get. You won't get this effect from others camera.

Have fun to try, and is it work please give me some your photo link that you have try this trick. If I got more tips and trick using Lomo LC-Wide I will be happy to share it with you.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gonna Make some Short introduction of How to process B&W film

This happen when I looked at my instagram friend photo which showing a photo of B&W film package, and he needed to know how to process it. Somehow that film it can be process it by ourself that what I thought, so I told him to process it by him self with the some type of chemical that used to prcess the film itself. It's a bit hard to understand from him, because he haven't know yet how to process it. I decided to give some short video how to process it later if I got some free time.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Beautiful short story about Vivian Maier

Vivian Maier, Photographer from Michael Bullis on Vimeo.

A short documentary about a Mysterious street photographer Vivian Maier who had great talent for capturing the moment when she alive before. This give some reference for you who interested to take photo of anything that the way she took the picture have reason on it. You can take a lot on this video.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Tips For Lomo LC-Wide

Kuta Plant- Lomo LC-Wide - Film Fuji Velvia 100

I already got back my LC-W from repairing, and eventually The Lomography Embassy traded it with a new one. It really a surprise that Lomo wanna trade it. I heard that my problem was also a major problem for Lomo LC-W users also. The way Embassy did was a great to give a satisfaction for the users to feel glad and not worry for their camera. Thanks Lomography Embassy Singapore.

This was happen when my Lomo LC-W got problem with the Light meter that always ON when I insert the battery and without I pressing the shutter button. I send it and already being trade it. The sales said that this have a lot of happen with the others also. This was happen when we don't close the front for about 10 minutes if don't use for a often time or using a lot of cable release. This happen because the light meter is always metering if we open front, so they suggested that if we are using it often, it's ok, but it's better to close if we aren't using it.

Cool Fisherman- Lomo LC-Wide - Film: Fuji Velvia 100

Don't worry if this happen to all of you guys who using Lomo LC-W. The camera have 2 years warranty so you don't need to worry about if this happen. Just already remember to keep the receipt and the warranty card so you can trade it with a new one.

Happy Shooting day and Weekends.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I felt so guilty

Oh man.... How I could not come to my friends wedding. Oh... Jizzz... I felt so guilty to be not to come to their wedding ceremony coz I got another appointment.

Congratulation to Deddy Prasetyo and Icha

 I wish you guys will be a good couple and life with a happy child and life.


Thursday, May 3, 2012


I don't know how my feeling to you, and how deeply I adore u, but at the end...
I won't be able to the one who you choose will be with.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Little Intro to My Little downstair

Sungguh tumben di jam2 seperti ini masih terbangun. Rasanya beberapa hari lalu sempet aku merasakan sesuatu yang membuat diriku takut dan down. Ini mungkin dari mindset ku yang membayangkan sesuatu itu terlalu jauh, dan itu yang membuat diriku mundur ataupun tidak berani melangkah dan mempelajari apa yang akan di hadapi. Walaupun at the end prediksiku kadang 40% rada tepat dari yang sudah aku bayangkan.

Lucu aja sih, ngeliat waktu diriku bener2 down, dan di saat itu aku ngerasain dimana aku merasakan ketakutan dan stress berat yang membikin hidupku tuh tidak berarti dan bukan diriku sendiri. Wajar lah mungkin seseorang anak muda yang masih fresh graduate yang masih belom banyak pengalaman dan bermodalkan pertanyaan dan keberanian dan semangat aja untuk membangun usaha ini. Ya... emang sih yang aku jalanin ini adalah sesuatu hal yang baru dan realita hidup ini. Disitulah aku mengerti kalau dan rasakan kalau hidup ini kita bawa dengan santai, dan nikmatilah saat-saat itu karena disitulah sebenernya kunci yang kita cari.

Terkadang sungguh terasa bertentangan antara dua ideologi dalam hidup bekerja ini:
1. Hidup Apa Adanya
2. Haus akan Prestasi
Ya hampir sama kayak kita hidup di bangsa yang mempunyai sistem pemerintaan yang demokrasi yang dimana the one who have power, money, and connection are the one who control the people. Ya sesuatu hal yang bener-bener liberal dan itu yang di cari untuk seorang pebisnis, yang bertolak belakang dengan kita hidup apa adanya, dan berbahagialah dengan sesuatu yang berkecukupan. Kadang dilema ya, untuk apa yang kita perlu kejer dan pegang dalam kehidupan ini. Di satu sisi kita perlu memaksakan diri kita untuk maju, dan di satu sisi lagi kita diminta untuk hidup apa adanya.

Ya rada tidak terbayang aja sih, kalau setelah beberapa waktu aku nenangin diri aku nemuin kalau kedua hal tersebut bisa kita gabungan dengan catatan ya kembali lagi kita harus bisa "Flexible dan Will"dalam ngejalanin kehidupan ini. Mengapa flexible dan will? felexible sendiri itu kita harus bisa membawa diri kemana angin itu meniup dengan catatan kita masih mencoba menyamakan prinsip kita that we want to keep the company move forward, dan mengurangi ego kita. Will sendiri ya kalau kita tidak ada kecintaan dan apa yang ingin capai ya ngapain kita bekerja di sesuatu tempat kan. Oh ya, masih ada satu hal lage yang perlu di tambahin yaitu Take it slow but.... sure dengan yang kamu tuju dan tau kapan kita nge-drive dan slow.

Disitu mungkin yang aku dapat dari intropeksi diriku dalam minggu ini. Dan lagu Tangga-Hebat mungkin memberikan courage untuk menyemangati hari-hariku lagi.
Semoga semua bisa menjalanin hidup ini dengan semangat dan bahagia saja.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lon............g term effect

Sepi sungguh sepi
lelah sungguh lelah
senang begitu senang
tetap aja senyum itu semua hanyalah sementara

Thursday, April 19, 2012

So Melancolic

The Path

Hard to describe with words and feeling to you. Somehow the reality is always painful to face it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

All my Batch friends

I think already mid year that I'm not seeing them, and most of them already have their own life and work. I just hope they're ok and get what they dreams on.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Few days ago I was being tell by one of my friends on Lomography club in Bali (Lomolipop) that asked me to joint with another group of photography club to create some exhibition photo. It's interesting me to joint and participate to this exhibition. I might busy for a while but for this type of thing I would give my time to find a good theme or title for my series for this exhibition.

I might have some of my series for this exhibition, but need to cook it again and process it. I wanted to have sharing and knowing about the exhibition that my friend ask me. Also who gonna join and place to exhibition. Hopefully I got my time to share and find my good photo for this exhibition. Gambatee.....

Friday, April 6, 2012

Oh Goshh....

Today I got accident. I bang a motor bike that crossing the road. I didn't see it because a car was blocking on it, so crash. Maybe I wasn't aware with my surrounding. Perhaps i was thinking a lot. I need to be more aware and ride carefully.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tougher Reality from what I expected

I already worked at my job for almost 6 month, and after the phases of learning and adjusting, and adapting at my work place. It's now begin the reality that the company need me (in term of my skill) to improve the selling on the market. After all the dilemma and the process of learning in this company made me a lot of change in the way of my mind set. Also there's a lot of pressure that it keep going on running on my work place so this also give me opportunity to self and learn to solve the problem and how to decide and also react in this particular situation. This is the fact of reality is really tough to face it.

This was my opportunity to improve and prove my self that I could give a great effect to this company
All the self-reflect and knowing what my goal is the point to make everything successful. I'm know that this gonna be tough but this the reality.
Pray for the great future only and the power of will.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Awkward Feeling

Don't know why it seems I'm not feeling alright about his way and act. Perhaps I was wrong from what I looked at him.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year Spirit

Well a New Year is already started. Let's begin with a brand new day, Optimist and spirit.
One Thing for this month is LET'S GET SQUARE