Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just Enjoy

Petronas Tower around 6pm-to 7pm

I don't know what's going on this day but when i read a article or a news, or movies was talking about Dooms Day at 2012. Why that kind of news been spread to all the people in earth. Why just kind of prophecy that made us afraid, thinking shortly, and do something bad or something else. It's better if the news is like global warming that make us more care to environment around us.

JUST ENJOY OUR LIFE NOW wether any news talking about doom's day or anything.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fly Hunting

I forgot about the date i was taking this picture. That day Me, gilang, and Fajar plan to go hunt a bird at lake garden, suddently after we came into the Kl sentral the destination that last time my friends wanted to change to shot butterfly.

and here the result of that day we shot.

this is butterfly don't want to let it go from my friends hands, it so weird. I thought he has an odor to lure some butterfly hehehe.....

first thing i was curious about a family that looking at the pool, when i came closer it. i found a Frog was peeking. 

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Inside of my life

walaupun hidup terus berlanjut, banyak cerita dan warna yg mewarnai hidup kita apakah itu putih, hitam, abu2, merah, biru, kuning ,dsb pasti ada memory yg selalu kita kenang. Setiap org pasti mempunyai pengalaman buruk yg d pernah alami dan itu masi terus membekas d hati.
Aku sendiri tidak selamany senang, gila, dan penuh dengan canda. Walau terkadang jarang orang bisa ngelihat sisi jelekku. Biasa teman2 itu sering bercerita tentang masa kecilny dia yg senang2, ceria, lucu, dan sebagainy tapi ak sendiri merasa minder terhadap masa kecilku yang jarang berwarna, di waktu smp ak hidup dengan coba2, ngikut sana ngikut sini cuma untuk bisa masuk dalam pergaulan d sekolahku, tp mungkin hidupku tuh lebih terasa berwarna saat beranjak ke sma. Mungkin itu karena di sana ak ada tempat yang pas menaruh inspirasiku disana dan belajar.
Pengen rasanya punya kenangan masa kecil yg panut d kenang, walaupun masa kecilku kebanyakan uda lupa dalam pikiranku. Kalau ada kesempatan kembali masa lalu pengen rasany ngeliat masa kecilku itu.

Empty Holiday spirit

This semester break it's should be a quite nice holiday that all the assignment will be given by after the sems break and can go refreshing for a week. Somehow some of the assignment still been given by some of the lecture's. Assignment that i must do some just need to be submit a drawing, some just need to research some meaning, and the last some of the assignment NEED to be improve and keep going each of every week. Rest of the assignment is ok for me but the last part so annoying  to me.

Last week some of my subject have new assignment to do. I need to create a Batik packaging design so before i the day of the show the progress time, I already Sketch some design. The day of the show the progress my design and my product is fighting each other that has been said by my lecture, and she need me to rethink and design more to her again. I sketched again but when i wanted to show to her, she said " i just wanted to see this and this guy only" its mean my friends that haven't showed their idea. Seems my progress still stuck in the first step and she already need for the after the mid break to see progress in computer.

This hole week I tried to enjoy my holiday with my friend, and my self. It like this week I spent a lot money to buy, and used it for fun. My Hole moths I save my money it useless my shoppingholic mode is mode. The last thing i need my assignment need to be get approve. Three more day i already come in ordinary day again.

Bless Me God that this subject I can pass.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dilema dilema dilema dilema

wadoh2 d hari yg tenang ini aku malah harus bingung lage sama pilihanku nih >.<
setelah aku buka2 untuk cari informasi buat lensa 70-200mm f/2.8 L Usm ternyata ketajamanny kalah jauh sama yg f/4 L Usm Is nih. bingung jg ya harga lebih murah kemampuan ada bedany d antara satu sama laen. Disisi F/4 tajem dpt, ringan, ada isny, bokeh kurang tao, klo d F/2.8 secara pengalaman si ok sih, tp setelah d pantau2 lage ternyata F gede lebih mengungguli F kecil malahan.
Masi perlu d tanya2 nih masi rada ragu untuk membeliny di antara keduany. Susah dah klo sudah demen ama fotografi bawaanny ke lensa2. piffff........

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Taman Tasik in Red World

kyaaa..... finally my diana give me a nice photo......
but so sadly most of the film is burned of. >.<
so sad.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

T . I . R . E . D

so tired this day and lazy to do anything, but this day i must go with my friends go to an art exhibition this day, and i need also to attend to an event also.
i gonna be a long day and stressing day.