This thing can be apply to all of stuff. Even for a car, Tv, motor, or cloth. Now it's back to us, how we used it and what we really need to help and improve our activity. Not always a bigger is better, and not always cheaper is greater. Right now is how we develop it, and used it as maximal as we can to get the best of it.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Not always the best is the best, but how with used it to become a best
I always read some articles that talking the spec about new camera, lens, bag, and many more. That this time the performance was really well and the price is affordable. People always saying that bigger your megapixel or the pro digit that you have it make your photo looks good. Yah, sometimes those kind of things helps increase the quality, but not always a good gear helps you take a good picture. Gadget is just a helper for us to snap from what we see. Even a cheap camera can become a good photo, if we can get a good picture.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Baru2 aja balek dari hangout ama temen2 SMA dulu, bisa tiba2 sesampainya di rumah kok ada sesuatu yg aneh terjadi. Salah satu pembantu baruku yg aku liat baek dan enak di ajak ngomong kok bisa tiba2 pengen keluar. Dia endk begitu buat kegaduhan, dan masalah di rumah. Entah mengapa kok bisa tiba2 tidak betah? Sunggu aneh, dan binggung aku. Mungkin di lihat dari kesehariannya dia selalu sama temennya, kesana kemari. Tidak tanduknya untuk keluar jg tidak ada.
Kenapa bisa tiba2 mau keluar ya? Apakah ada yg salah? Mungkin besok bisa di ketahuin jawabannya. Benernya aku dah enak ama kedua pembantu baru ini. Masih pada muda2 sih dan suka bercanda. Perasaanku kok mengatakan ada sesuatu yg aneh deh.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Found a great place to print and develop photo in Bali

Beberapa minggu lalu aku sempet pengen cuci roll filmku dan mencoba nge print foto. Biasanya aku pergi ke toko langganan di Fujifilm deket gelael. Mungkin untuk biaya cuci film dan nge-scan rada mahal, dan kualitas warna cetaknya jauh dari bagus. Nah selagi aku nunggu, aku teringat kata temen ku ada toko develop n print foto yg murah dan bagus di deket pertokoan udayana. Aku coba pergi kesana buat test print, dan alhasil mungkin rada kecewa jg dengan warnanya. Eh, entah mengapa aku dikasih ama ownernya (mungkin) ke ruang developnya. Dia ngasih untuk perbaikin warnanya dan print ulang hingga warnanya sesuai dengan seleraku. WOW, sungguh tidak bisa di bayangkan ada toko seperti ini yg bener2 memberikan service yang membuat para photographer begitu senang, dan bisa mendapatkan yang dia inginkan. Alhasil aku jadi mulai memilih untuk menaruh kepercayaan ku untuk mendevelop film2ku dan mencetak foto2 ku dsana. Di bandingin toko Fuji yang ada di Gelael.
Toko cetak film ini namanya Colour digital photo Lab, di Jl. Latda Made Putra 45-DPS. Dia bener2 specialis untuk cuci cetak foto dengan menggunakan chemical, bukan menggunakan tinta printer. Mungkin ini yg membedakan di antara toko laen. Staffnya ya ramah, dan enak untuk di ajak berbincang2 di saat menunggu film atau mencetaknya.

Ceremonial for leaving this world**
Sesuatu hal yang menarik juga yang baru aku ketahuin juga ternyata toko ini sebagai tempat anak2 lomography mencuci dan menscan film2 mereka. Sungguh menarik tempat ini. Tempat ini jg menerima cuci B&W juga, tapi sayangnya chemicalnya belom datang. Jadinya endk isa cuci B&Wnya deh. Benernya sudah bawa banyak. Next time bakal balek lagi lah.
Ya semoga aja tempat kayak begini bisa awet.
*foto pake Hasselblad 500C - Carl-Zeis 150 mm f/4 T* Sonnar - Film Potra 400VC
**foto pake Hasselblad 500C - Carl-Zeis 50 mm f/4 T* Sonnar - Film Potra 400VC
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Is not easy but Is not difficult either
It have been for a week for me to work in the office right now and becoming a Marketing & Promotion + designer in this new company I joined it. It still a new wave for me to start to learn the real world is it like. Perhaps my basic of advertising gave some reminder for me for I'm deciding right now.
(Not done yet )
Friday, October 7, 2011
17mm, is it too wide enough?

As far as I go on with this 17mm. Sometimes it's get a bit trouble to get a close up potrait. Probably because of the lens to when to take a potrait shoot, it must get really closes as you can. That was kinda tough for me for this range. For me it might give a person a bad impression for it, and uncomfortable for it. When get to shooting a still or animal or kids. This was the best thing to get as close as you can without scaring them, and it can do it quickly.

Overall that I have been through thatt lens when I was using 24mm (Full Frame) camera again, it feel that this range was the suite one for wide. It's not to wide and not to tight. Maybe I decide to go find 24mm for range finder lens. Just back to which kind of lens that suit for a daily life. The wider the lens have, the more BALLS your are have hehehe....
It's true just try it
All the Photo are taken by Lomo LC-Wide with Kodak Potra 400 Vc
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Best record for now
I never imagined that I could to draw 5 Graffiti in one day. It started with my curiosity to myself that somehow I wanted to draw graffiti again and was kinda dilemma also. Not much preparation to drew something back then. I just prepare what I had been practiced all around and just playing with the character faces and shape. I settled go grab my gears. What I need just luck and timing.
Before I started to Bombing (making Graffiti) around, usually I survey first the place and the surrounding in that time and before. It so sad that not much graffiti artists were around that so many good places that they draw on it. If I don't know or what, it seems I looked at it was the new faces was more to mural artist and wheat pasting artist that I most looked around. Probably this was my chance to start to make popular again and trigger their guts and nuts to make graffiti again. And also much of them was kind a pussy that only can made a tagging on the good spots and just made it looks dirty. How unaesthetic and not brave enough to make a piece or perhaps a throw-ups.
Not much like the old time, when I usually go with my "BSA" crew. Now the world and time was change, everyone have their own life and needs to search on. I went alone to bombing. Yah, I already get used to it to be alone to Bombing around the town.The bad thing to being alone was, I couldn't looks for me and doing the work much faster. I was dreaming that someday I could go wild the old chump. Working alone have more adrenaline then duet or doing it with group. It gave the sense of
I already get used again with my tools, and It felt so smooth and nice to hold with the spray. It looks the Rhythm I hold and moved the spray was so nice and beautiful. I can really work faster and not having problem holding for long. This was because of the customs caps that I used it. It give me the efficiency and comfortable.
At the time I already selected the place where I was gonna Bom (make) that place, but when it was going to go there. It still crowded, so moved again to search another area, and found my first base that have a clean wall and not so tall. Before I started I look left and right and if somebody coming I'm pretending to have pee. It was quite success were people not care about me and not stop me for doing that, until the fourth base that no one stop me for doing that, but in the last place it was the hardest and most crowded place where people were yell at me from the other side and horn me. Yah, when they don't come to my place I won't stop Bombing around hehehe...
It was unpredictable that I was bombing until 5 times on 1 night. That my ammunition for my standard color was finished. I used it from the first time until the third wall. The first one that finish was the white one until I used my alternative color is silver to replace it. The fifth wall, all the main colors were dead. I decided to make some throw-ups and used any kinds of colors that I had inside my bag.
I wasn't exhausted at all. Just next time I need to bring more main color to it.
And IT WAS ROCK THAT NIGHT. Later I will show the photo of it.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
RiP Donto
It really sad that at 7 o'clock at night. My dog just past away :(. She has been in the family for 8 years. She was the oldest dog at my home. Yah... it can be call as granny. She died because of stomach problem. I felt just few days ago she was asking me to my attention and somehow she wanted to say something to me. I kinda feel guilty for not giving her so much care for those past day. Perhaps I will make change myself to give more care for the others and not ignoring them or others.
I felt that gonna miss her a lot.
I hope in another time if we can meet again.
Rest in Peace Donto
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Waktu dan Rekayasa
Selama ini mungkin aku sudah hidup di dalam dunia ku yg selalu aku dambakan. Sekolah di tempat teman2 ku biasa berkumpul, kuliah di jurusan yg di ingikan, dan meluangkan hoby dengan riang gembira. Semakin bertambah semakin di tepi penantian. Di saat menuju ke pendewasaan, apa mungkin hal2 yg dulu yg aku dambakan itu harus di pendam?!
Apakah ini merupakan arti dari hidup kita untuk kembali ke apa yg harus kita cari. UANG? HIDUP? JABATAN? inikah yg menarik hidup kita untuk hal2 seperti itu? Iya ato tidak, mungkin hidupku lagi ujung kapal yg mulai rapuh, dan memilih untuk melompat ato tidak.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Everyday Life in Bali
The interesting about people in Bali was they were a bit scare if they were being taken their photo and some of it not really notice it. To handle this kind of people who scare to take their picture off, usually take the picture without looking at the viewfinder, so just try use the feeling, and right angle. Most of the picture I took I was not looking at my viewfinder. This can make the subject not notice it, and not suspicious to us for taking their picture.
I have been using Lomo LC-Wide for a while. It's seems I already get used on it already. Probably just need to get usually with the setting the focus only that I always get a mistake on it and need to aware with the Half-format setting that suddenly changed. This sometimes irritated me and made me cursing to myself that I used the wrong focus point.
All this photo has taken with Lomo LC-Wide with Fujifilm Pro 400H, and also I took all the photo in Bali.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Another Unseeing Life from Bali
Usually people see Bali from the beauty of the landscape, dance, and the culture. Most of the time they weren't seeing the portrait of everyday life of Bali. Maybe it make sense that not much of documentation on street life on it. When I looked from another photographer from Bali. They usually took fashion, and landscape. It was like there's not another beauty around there to be capture. They were knowing those kind of field only. Somehow street photography was not really popular in Bali. For myself, street photography was still new for me. Somehow after I took some of it, it's looks like I never imagine I captured that moment.
This kind of photograph I was still new. This kind of photography what I need is a big NUTS. GUTS, patient for take all the picture. It's kind of photography is unique. The wider your lens the pro you are. It different with the others the longer your lens the pro you are. Why not from the long time ago I jump to this kind of photograph. I don't need some much lens, and big camera to bring a long.
Most of the time I used Lomo LC-Wide for taking all this pictures, but sometimes I used my Voigtlander Bessa R3M with Voigtlander 40mm f/1.4 . Usually I used my LC-W with color film, and Bessa I used B&W film. This two camera give me a lot of different color and tone that I really wanted. For the films itself, I'm still searching which one that really suitable for my daily photo. Usually most of the time for B&W I used Ilford Delta 400 and Agfa APX 400, and for the color films, hmmm.... for now I really like the Fujifilm Pro 400H, and for slide films I like the Fujifilm Provia 400 and Kodak Elitchrome 200.
Some of the style like Bruce Gilden ( if I'm not mistaking with the name) that using flash for taking the subject. I tried it like 3 times and it's looks like the subject for pop out and the feel on it was different also. But!!! This thing was more difficult and need to put more nerve and adrenaline to take with it. After the result come out, It's feel so different. Maybe next time I will try it again someday.
All the photo I took it with Lomo LC-W, with Kodak Potra VC 400
Monday, August 15, 2011
It's truly fun to go with you
Last time, I was confuse to decide which thing that I would buy on that time. Either a lens or camera that the focal length almost the same. Both are have good review and price for such a wide angel lens and camera. I was looking for street and travel camera that could bring to anywhere which such a pocket and good quality. This kind of type is suit with rangefinder camera that great in the field for such a compact quality camera to bring a long. I decided between Lomo LC-Wide with 17mm minigon or Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5. Many of my friends that I asked to choose between this thing and the result was draw. After I look overall from what I need in the street I finally choose the LC-Wide.
After few days I tried on the field, and processed it. I didn't make a mistake to choose this compact travel camera. The great thing about this camera is compact and wide. Most of people didn't realize if I took their photo by this camera. The middle of the lens is sharp and probably the corner of the camera is soft. The vignette probably not so harsh but it's there. The weakness for this camera is only the viewfinder that not match from what we looked at and what the result will come out with. After I saw some of my picture maybe slightly increase the range from what I saw before.
A lot of people probably will complaint with the price that really expensive for this kind of camera. Maybe most of them will say " Why this kind of plastic camera cost me a lot!?". The only thing that I can say to you is "can you get a wide angel camera with this pocket size camera for this kind of price with a great lens inside?". Probably most of you guy that don't know about the market price of camera or lens, usually for wide angel lens for SLR for Full-Frame lens it cost around 700$-2000$, and for rangefinder lens it will around 700$-3100$ that cost you a lot more and that is only the lens not include with the camera body. Imagine that.
Is it worth to buy it or not. Hmmm.... how do I say it. YES!!! If you really like a good travel camera to go and want a good quality this camera I can recommended to you. Just if you buy this camera, Don't forget to buy some external viewfinder for it ( if you really needed) probably around the size 15mm or 21mm it already make your composition much well compost.
All the photo was taken with Lomo LC-wide. The film color I used Fujifilm Pro 400H and the B&W with Ilford XP2 400.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Hello Indonesia
I'm finally graduated from my University and back for good :( ( how sad). It was a lot of stuffs that I packed and bringing home. All of it was like closing the story for this chapters. I will remember all those memory that have been through all that time. Right now is another story of how I'm going to life this world, and become some.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Run Devil RUN!
I always thought u were a bad boy
I never knew it would come true
I always thought you learned your leason
But im afraid that you did not
Run devil run run devil run run ,
run devil devil run run
Your never call
I feel so lonely
I need you by , by my side
Why do I ,
smell some perfume
Please tell me who , whose it is
The words you say will never come true
Which means I will never ever trust you
I cannot believe you even lied to me
You better run run run run run ,
You better run before I catch you
You better run run run run run ,
You better hide before i find/see you , hey
Why do u always break my heart ,
Why can't this ever , ever stop?
You better run run run run run
Your always a bad bad boy ,
run devil devil run run
Now that im not ,
not by your side
You must be very , oh very sad
I'll make you dance
in front of a girls choir
and i'll teach you , how to dance
Run devil run run devil run run , run devil devil
run run
You better run run run run run ,
All you need to do is say sorry
You better run run run run run ,
If you don't then you'll be punished , hey
Why do I always get pushed around?
Why does this always happen to me?
You better run run run run run
Why you a bad naughty boy? ,
run devil devil run run
I know your a bad boy
you can never change ,
run devil devil run run
I always think that you could make a better choice but
why did you promise me all these things
but then you broke them
all behind my back
(why did you? oh, why did you?)
I'll never ever forgive you
You better run run run run run ,
You better run before I catch you
You better run run run run run ,
You better hide before i find/see you , hey
Why do u always do this,
Why can't this ever , ever stop?
You better run run {TAEYEON - you better run run
run run run
I never thought you would turn into a bad boy
I guess you would never change
Why don't you ever listen to me?
I might give you another chance...
Maybe it's kind an awkward for me to heard a korean song lately. This was cause by my housemate that like to heard this K-pop group. The Whole month I only heard He played SNSD songs >.<. And he tried to attempt to make me like to it. Finally he got me with this song.
From the most of their songs. This song was directly sticked into my head. First time I like the sound and the beat. Then afterward I curious with it. I checked the translation of this song, and It's kind nice meaning that I found from their song.
I'm hope this will be one and the last K-pop song that I liked.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Yesterday, I picked up my mom, and dad from their hotel. Me and my mom and dad were having brunch, after done with that we went back to the hotel and the rest. I was having a chat with them, and talks a lot. Perhaps, I finally know, what is my dad dream that he was looking for. Maybe he already chose what he wanted. I also knew that my mom was hoping that I could stay at home for the moment, to look after her.
Before I leave him at his hotel. He gave speech for me that I realized it something that I never could get from anybody and it's true from what his talking. One thing that I will remember his message was "be loyal, honest, hard working, smart, humble and also don't be cocky person because there's always be a smartest and richer person in up there". One big knuckle punch to my head to remember before graduated and work in this world.
After the 4 years studied in Malaysia, I'm reaching the last moment of my life being graduate in my University. The ceremony it will start at 03.00 PM this evening. Hopefully this will be the start for me to begin my new world again.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Just become supportive
This day will be the greatest moment for my Limkokwing University for having exhibitions for whole FDI batch. This count from GDD( majoring graphic design, and multimedia), BPD (multimedia, and advertising), Multimedia, Animation, Game design, and Product design.
I hope that their exhibition will be great, and can be remember for all the time.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Some short story of this week and Let's Start the New Project again
It really madness for this week and the next week. One of my subject was being reschedule by the Uni to has a presentation on the next week. I was totally freak out and crazy for that moment. It will be a rushing day, that need to done around 70-80% of the works. Most of my work I haven't finish yet, and still in the process DARN!!! it. Oh ya, I almost forgot that the next week also I need to finish my website that I don't know if could be change or not, but see later on. So after the next week, all of my work that I have done with this Uni will over and just wait for the result. In that time also, I wanted to create some memorial photo of my friends in GDD 8 for 2007 batch. This what I will keep for my memories from the people that I have been interact with for this whole semester.
I don't care so much how much it's gonna take but I will take my GDD 8 mate that I knew or others. This project it will become my poster memories of here. I must doing it before everybody left this college.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
My feeling not so alright at this moment
Thursday, May 19, 2011
So Many way you try
Each of activities and community hold their believes and ways to interact to each other. Many of them try to find their ways to get to know each others and behave. It's the way we live. When we get know to each other and become partner of our life time, it become different again how we live on it. We will be more responsible for what we are going to protect and give to our partner. In the while we will focusing to our partner rather than our friends. Normal thing that human always do.
Finding our right partner is always like Statistic level. Sometimes we will go up and suddenly can be down. This how life can be, and it is not going to be static. Life will always dynamic and change. This is make our life so different with the animals. We will understand a self-experience and learn from the past. We must keep going and finding the right place to land and harbor. It's ok if won't find the right partner for this time, or we have fight with them. This is why we learn from the past and study it, so for the next time we won't make mistake anymore and learn from that.
Sometimes when life you and me is may not to be together. We will heading to two way of separating reason, either break up nicely or badly. This we will see how a person keep their relationship and friendship after broke up. It's way we think in cool head or stone head to finish the final decision if we are having it. We know that when life is moving on, Our mind will thinking of him/her to get back together, but we need to see it again how we finished before. If you make the right move when you broke up, maybe it will success if you get back again, but if you don't finish it right then you know what the answer it. We will feel guilty from what we have done in the past and want to fix it, but if you already try and know the the final result He/She won't come back to us, then please let us move on to the next life.
It strange for us to move in the new community and life, when we already comfortable with the past. This is show how we maturing our life. Past is always a past that we only look back for a while and just for our guidance to not fall for it again and just keep moving on. We may not a perfect person, but by this experience we change our life to become a perfect person that we can make it happen.
Finding our right partner is always like Statistic level. Sometimes we will go up and suddenly can be down. This how life can be, and it is not going to be static. Life will always dynamic and change. This is make our life so different with the animals. We will understand a self-experience and learn from the past. We must keep going and finding the right place to land and harbor. It's ok if won't find the right partner for this time, or we have fight with them. This is why we learn from the past and study it, so for the next time we won't make mistake anymore and learn from that.
Sometimes when life you and me is may not to be together. We will heading to two way of separating reason, either break up nicely or badly. This we will see how a person keep their relationship and friendship after broke up. It's way we think in cool head or stone head to finish the final decision if we are having it. We know that when life is moving on, Our mind will thinking of him/her to get back together, but we need to see it again how we finished before. If you make the right move when you broke up, maybe it will success if you get back again, but if you don't finish it right then you know what the answer it. We will feel guilty from what we have done in the past and want to fix it, but if you already try and know the the final result He/She won't come back to us, then please let us move on to the next life.
It strange for us to move in the new community and life, when we already comfortable with the past. This is show how we maturing our life. Past is always a past that we only look back for a while and just for our guidance to not fall for it again and just keep moving on. We may not a perfect person, but by this experience we change our life to become a perfect person that we can make it happen.
Directed & Written: Kurniawan Adinata
Cameramen: Yohanes Martotiar
Music: Nosaj Thing- Aquarium
Camera: 5D MK II
Lens: Canon 16-35mm f2.8 L USM, Canon 50mm f1.2 L USM II, and Canon 24mm f1.4 L USM II
Software: Adobe After Effect, and Adobe Flash
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Testing with Bessa R3M
I felt that the handle was nice, maybe it will be nice if i buy the handle grip for it. After a few times I tried to shoot with it, the focusing was not really problem just need to get used to it and maybe I just got the problem with the lightmeter on the camera. I felt like that it sometimes was not correct and sometimes was wrong. I get used to it first and how how to handle with it.
I tried this camera with my most expensive roll film. It was Fujifilm Natura Asa 1600. I liked the tone of this film. The color that this film produced was more green, and soft lighter blue. I liked to feel nostalgic with this color. The grainy was clean but sometimes wasn't. It happened if I shot in daily light the grainy will appear rather than indoor or more cloudy or darker area the grainy still well control. overall for this film good when you need a quick shutter speed in dark place, so this film you can count in it, but this film you need to consider with the price also because if you really need it then buy if not then try to used ASA 400 or 800 with flash.
This camera will be my perfect buddy which I will used it for street photo, and daily activity. I felt so lazy to bring my big digital camera right now. The sensation and the color was different. This was the digital camera could not get. It probably my digital camera will be my working partner for some certain of job or work to do.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Dark Side
Since the day will coming up, each year by year in this world our life is not a immortal body as like the games do have their own fantasy. At time, not a single person could deflected it, so I realize it to keep in touch for my beloved one who always encourage me and support me all the time. Life is like a cycle which always recycling all the time.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Hope you will be alright
I only can pray for you from this place, and i can't accompany you from the big day. My wishes just your're gonna ok and success only at there.
Pray from your son to you
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Memo to Myself and Share for the others
I was testing out my SX-70 land the alpha 1 model 2 with PX600 B&W and turn out that my Marumi ND2 that I bought it yesterday was useless. The result that I tried with My other ND filter that around ND4 the result was still over-expose, and Then go with ND 8 and ND10 with wheel turn into black the result was excellent. I tried also without turning the wheels with ND8 and ND10 and the result was kinda there, but it was better with turn it. It kill 7 films already to get my proper light.
It means if anyone who wanted to used 600 films on SX-70 or Land 1000, or etc try to buy ND8 or 10, or combination of ND2 + ND3 or t ND4 and stick it on front of your lens, if you couldn't get proper ND filter for SX-70. Just try to find Nd that can get around +3,+4, +5 stops to achieve the exposure of your SX-70 films and don't forget to turn the wheel also to black side for better result.
Probably I'm going to find Cokin filter or Square filter then I'm going to cut it to the size of my sx-70 lens and paste it. Nextime I will show you how to make it. -_-' what a weird stuff that i bought and difficult to handle it hahahaha..... but that's the fun of it.
This was the sample of my experiment with the sx-70 with 600 films
the successor
Sunday, April 17, 2011
TZ film test
Up of the tree flower
Town Villa
What I ate
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Look at the point and see also the moment
Just few day ago I went to Midvalley Mall to take my deposit from some guy that knows about the things I decided to trust my will on him and her. I felt so guilty that I spend a lot of things on point and shoot things, but this the way I got my idea and felt so happy to try on new things.
Maybe not much of people know her. Probably they also didn't know what her function and capability on taking something. This the way of Advertising propaganda that people only been introduce only her only in this world. The lack of understanding on what they learn now is the thing they only see is 1 type only. I felt so glad that I study on this country and the world of cyber things that I could learn from other thing and know of new things.
I probably need to collect my money from my saving. Maybe this is the end of what I'm searching her world. The world never end with innovation, but an old innovation that people miss understood on their capability.
we should see the different that we look on things and the perspective that we learn from that.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
SX-70 with PX100 silver Shade & PX100 Color Shade Push!
Whiting in The Chair
Arabic Stripes
Buddha Portrait
Metal Mushroom
Piss Me Off
Drive through the message
Geometric Face
Mr. Noodle Smile
Here is some of my Impossible project photos that i have been shoot for a while, and finally I just Scanned. This is my second session of using Impossible Project Films that last time I tried and knew what the problems and how to handle with this films. Right now most of the photo that I already shoot, I will tear of the back pod and I leave it for a while until it's dry, after that i will keep into the freezer. This will retain the color that I already shoot it at the first time.
Most of the PX color shade push! film I heat up in the sun the back or heat it with my armpit, so from what I found was the color will be push, and the contrast will be more punchy, and also the color will be a bit becoming a red.
Fo the PX Silver Shade most of the time I tried to cold it down, because as we know that South East Asia the weather is a bit hot, and humid. This will keep the color not to became so reddish. Sometimes I also tried to moved the wheel into a bit Brighter, and the result was sometimes good, sometimes was not working.
I also experimenting with Double Exposure that I learnt from You tube and it was worked and the result was in photo name "Arabic Stripes". Probably you won't see the multiple but when you look at it closely there was a stripes on it. Maybe because of the film that to dark and Monotone so is kinda hard to see it. I should try with different films probably.
Impossible Project full of surprise.
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