Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Cameron n Penang Trip episode 1

This was holiday trip before i was leaving from malaysia. It was planed 1 week before our assignment was done and the truth is i was a nice trip to go and i never though we are adding some more day to have another trip hahaha.... what a spontaneous trip.

We were planning to go Cameron highland for 1 day trip, and suddenly before it because of my friends was to lazy enough to wake up earlier and we slept around 3 or 4 am in the morning so from 10 we are about the leaving then delay it until 12 hehehe.... but this trip was not about rushing anything and just for fun only. so from cyber to cameron we took around 4 hours trip. and it was tried trip with the road that have many turning to left to right +_+.

so we finally arrived to cameron highland, and we decide to snap and
take a break for a while at tea garden around there. the tea garden was so huge and big and we could not exploring around there and we were also want to find some inn or hotel in there. after a few snap and look around in there then we started to move again. after we found some place to stay we decide to find some food and then take a rest, oh ya not to forget we decide to go to night market in there and there is a lot of thing in there that my friends buy specially for the girl they like the strawberry chocolate satay and for the boys i don't know they found some toy that somehow it will broken for couple of second hahaha.... pity you my friend.

The next day we plan to explore cameron highland. what do you know there's a lot of interesting place there to go. We planning to find some strawberry field, and butterfly garden in there. two strawberry field we manage to go and look there and also the butterfly. The boys were took same picture and the rest eating the strawberry haha... eating every time. the butterfly in there was so tame so some of my friend took it and try to snap with it.

Don't know how suddenly my friend was telling to us to go straight again to PENANG, iIawWww.... then ok lah, after we finish exploring Cameron then we go to the P island that we haven't research or thinking where to sleep in there but we excited about it then go.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
personality is changing every time and every second, after we have act before or just got some inspiration from someone that we though is good for us and it change our way to look at. That is why humans is complicated to understand and different from each others. Imagine when we saw our friends at high school last time then after we met again at university their mind is already change and look more different. from unmature into mature or the opposite way.
when i looked my personal sometimes i always question about myself. if my personal is ok, or not? maybe i'm little bit annoying to someone, and i'm quite person also i'm not good to raise up the surrounding situation to make more alive. I always try to improve and change my bad personality into a better person but somehow they still keep talking about me at behind me. why why why? I'm a typical person who accept and open for critique and comment about me. maybe it is because it will hurting me or they don't want me to change it.
It is very irritating me a lot sometime and somehow it made me though every time. yah, maybe if there is any thing to say about me please let me know.
What i'm planing to do
hmmm.... i don't know what i'm suppose to do this holiday and i'm also not interested to go anywhere maybe. yah, perhaps i could be happy to see my MOM and DAD only. oh yah and my sister.
plan plan plan plan. where should i go? to make my holiday have more meaning inside. maybe next week my friend suggest me to go to Mount ijen at Bayuwangin in East Java. i don't know what they have in there and what the attraction in there also. probably i will look for one of my friend in there who had work at resort in there.

this day i'm so excited to take photo with my new 5 cuddle puppy at my home. wow damn it so cute and chubby you know. probably i will show it the photo of my puppy hehe... they are so active and always want to play around. oh yah they also like cotton. hahaha... maybe those puppy will make my day were more color.

hope this holiday will be good haha...
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Love Crystal Polygon
kita pastiny tao kalo kehidupan ini penuh dengan misteri yg endk terduga. Detik demi detik semua bisa berubah seketika tanpa yg kita harapkan. Itu yg membuat kita selalu berpikir apakah jalan yg kita pilih itu benar ato tidak. Terkadang kita mengira tuh sudah benar atau malah sebalikny.
Terkadang pilihan itu sangat penting buat kita, dan itu bisa merubah pola kehidupan kita. Pilihan oh pilihan.... kalau kita sudah memilih antara A ato B, jalan cerita ato pun naskah cerita pun jg bakal berbeda yg bakal kita lakoni (peragakan). bisa terbayang kan klo dari sifat kita yg duluny baek bisa jadi yg bukan kita inginkan.
untuk keputusan cinta itu sendiri. ini yg biasany aku kurang pahamin dan kadang rasany membingungkan. aku sendiri mungkin kurang mendalamin soal beginian tapi kalau di minta saran mungkin ya bisa lah aku bantu tapi sebatas cara pandangku aja untuk mencernany. kita bisa suka karena seseorang itu biasany karena dia tuh berbeda di mata kita dan dia tuh membuat kita penasaran. entah mengapa saat mencoba mendekati pasangan kita, cara pendekatanny ke dia dengan temen kita tuh rada berbeda banget. rasany tuh kalau bercerita dengan dia tuh kayakny harus di kasih skenario dolo deh biar bisa kelop, walaupun itu kita mencoba bisa mendekatin diri kita kedia. kadang kala kita merubah sifat kita hanya untuk demi dia sesat. Setelah sudah dpt ternyata pasangan kita malah ngomel2 ke kita ato temen kita kayak begini " kamu kok beda sih. dulu waktu PDKT ama aku kmu mesra2 trus perhatian banget trus sekarang kmu malah cuek ke aku." itu sih yg biasa di alamin. ya ujungny ya berantakan deh, si dia endk siap sifat kita yg asli yg situ malah bingung jg bakal di putusin ato endk. hahaha.... emang memusingkan ya.
Saat memilih, kita harus melihat kedepan apa yg bakal terjadi kalau kita putus ama dia ato pun berjalan dengan si dia. Pertama kita harus melihat dari sisi kalau kita jalan ama dia
- apakah dia bakal setia ama kita?
- apakah kita bakal serius ke dia?
- apakah kita bakal memilih teman ato pacar kita?
- apakah sifat dia itu sudah pas?
- apakah PDKTan kita sudah cukup untuk siap menunju jenjang pacaran?
- apakah kalau pacaran ama dia bakal mengeffect ke pergaulan kita?
- apakah temen2 kamu sudah siap menerima dia?
- pertemanan sama pacar: berantem ato temanan
- kesehari2an : menghindar ato normal
- kumpul2 dengan temen sepergaulan : diam2an ato bercerita2
ya saat ini mungkin aku rada2 sering bertanya ama diri sendiri atopun ama temen2 ku sih. ya mungkin ini yg bisa aku bagi buat hari ini. udah lama jg sih aku endk share2 di blog ini.
ya semoga menikmatin lah.
OH YA! buat temen2 semester 8 sekarang ini SELAMAT YA BUAT SPARK ny. sudah berjalan dengan sukses tuh. salut buat kalian. ya semoga kita bisa bertemu lagi di kehidupan yg kedepan ini. waktu terus bergilir, generasi terus berganti, tapi kita tetap masih sahabat. hehehe...
HAPPY HOLIDAY FOR ALL LUCT student and lecture
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