Friday, March 27, 2009

When Happiest day become gloomy day

This day i got a message from my mom that said " the last baby dog is died already" is so sad i heard that news. First i optimize that this last baby dog can survive but after that my day so gloomy and so lazy to do anything.
Last week my dog birth 4 puppies that was so exacting day of my life that finally my dog have their next generation. first puppy  is female dog that my mom give her name  Toto that name so cute and i also can imagine that the kinds gonna be cute and so happy. Next day 3 puppies but a puppy died because the lungs isn't perfect yet.
3 days ago 2 puppies died because to weak, and the milk from the mother didn't come out and no nutrition . 1 more puppy still survive but weak. I so down about that but my friends encourage me to optimize but in the end.....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tidak bs berpikir

Entah mengapa bangsa yg saya tinggalin sekarang ini gitu begitu mudahny menelan suatu informasi dan tidak d pikirkan terlebih dahulu apakah itu bener ato salah. Indonesia dahulu mempunyai seorang pemimpin yg begitu d banggakan oleh rakyatny semua tp entah mengapa setelah d ambil alih oleh orang diktator langsung namany hilang begitu saja, dan perlakuanny tidak begitu manusiawi.

Trend yg lage top saat ini adalah trend jadi caleg2 pemerintah yg d mana banyak dari para caleg bikin spanduk untuk memilih mereka. Entah mengapa para caleg tuh harus membikin fotony mereka d jalan2 tp kita endak tao apa visi misi mereka, latar belakang politik mereka, dan tujuanny d buat tuh buat apa kita sendiri endak kenal tuh orang. Caleg2 tuh berlomba2 membikin spanduk2 raksasa yg bener2 menganggu jalanan, pemandangan, dan endak berguna sekali walau hanya sekedar foto muka terus yg berisikan nama dia dan no partai dia yg d contreng. Hingga sampai2 sekarank spanduk para caleg tuh tidak menunjukan lage nilai orang intelegtualny, ada yg foto calegny maen biliar lah, ada yg jadi petinju lah, ada yg pake nama anak sapa lah, pake bintang2 luar negri yg mereka endak kenal entah dari belantara mana kok isa nyambung lah, mirip2 obama lah ( emang kontes mirip2an).

Kita sudah bisa ngeliat dari spanduk2 tersebut gmn org2 yg bakal duduk d kursi pemerintahaan lage. Mayoritas dari mereka hanya ingin merubah status mereka. Penglaman politik 0, otak orangny 0, kerjaan mereka sebelumny  yg bikin orang ragu(satpam, yg punya cafe2 lah, penyanyi,artis). Mending kalo dalam benak saya tuh setiap partai tuh hanya menunjuk orang2 yg mereka sudah tao bisa dalam mengurusin bidangny dan cukup memilih partainy saja, daripada sekarang kan lebih keliatan kan betapa bodohny para pempimpin2 bangsa ini kalu d pegang orang2 yg tidak berpengalaman. saya hanya isa berharap kepada negara tercintaku ini untuk bisa maju terus. saya selalu optimis akan kemajuanny.

Negara yg saya tinggalin tuh penuh dengan sejarah yang bikin orang terkagum2 dan banyak nilai2 heroic ny. Entah mengapa negarku ini tidak mau menerima apa yg terjadi sebernarny sungguh membutakan dan merubah sejarah seenakny dia aja. Walaupun kebohongan buat mereka tuh baik, tp liat jg dari sisi kebenaranny. tidak sampai harus menjelek2an sapa. Kebeneran emang selalu saja baik. Orang2 yg inggin membela negara kita aja malah d bilang musuh.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Poka Poka

Ada 2 orang turis yg tersesat d hutan amazone. Sewaktu mereka sedang mencari jalan keluar, tiba-tiba mereka menemukan sebuah kampung orang amazone dan mereka tertangkap oleh orang-orang sana. Kepala suku datang ke 2 orang turis tersebut dan menanyakan kepada mereka "kalian pilih di poka-poka dan kalian boleh lepas atau mati" dan para turis tersebut menjawabny dengan " kami pilih poka-poka." Kepala suku dengan tersenyumnya menyuruh para turis tersebut untuk membuka celana mereka dan nungging, "pasukan poka-poka mereka." Dengan beringasny para pasukanny menusuk pantat mereka dengan tombak berkali-kali. Kepala suku " sudah cukup kalian boleh lepas karank." Para turis dengan gembira kalau mereka bisa lepas dari maut.
Mereka berjalan dengan terseot-seot, dan terasa kesakitan karena pantat mereka yg abis tertusuk-tusuk oleh tombak tadi, tiba-tiba mreka menemukan perkampungan lage dan mereka tertangkap lage. Kepala suku 2" kalian pilih di poka-poka atau mati?!" Mereka sudah sudah tao kalau d poka-poka tuh bakal menderita banget dan mereka akhirny memilih mati. Kepala sukuny 2 menjawab " Pasukan Poka-Poka mereka samapai mati." Para turis d tusuk-tusuk pantat mereka lagi hingga mati.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Around the North Bali

I just planed with my friends luna before i will come to Bali again to journey the half of Bali in 3 day with money Rp 100.000 by motor bike. we planed around 4 people will follow this journey, me, luna, benji, and karol, but when the day is come, Me and luna already fix will go, benji and karol got some problem that they have to wait in their home cause their parent was in the java. i was thinking that "do i go or not", luna already ask the permission with his mother to go around 3 days and will go wether i go or not he still we go. I  settle it i company him for those days with just 2 of us.
The Trip start from benji house to ubud the place that our relative in there and many kind of art, and crafts is there. we was looking for food after we arrived there. we ate at small warung. The food in there most of all expensive rather than in denpasar, after we finished eating me and luna find now trying to find a place to stay in there then we found a homestay. We paid around Rp 50.000 for  a couple room, we already got breakfast, drink, and some snack in there ( i think is enough for me and good prize). We go to the room and put our stuffs in there then we go out again. searching for entertainment in there is kind of hard in the middle of the night just some traditional dances but i lazy to pay for that so we just walking around there and snap some picture there. Is quite fun go around with one friend in there. Done with walking and took some picture we go back to our room, and we had chat" for a while, then we go sleep.
The next day we pack our stuffs and had breakfast and we go again the journey. The destination now we go to Kintamani where a nice few we can snap picture on. Before we go to the next destination, we go to our relative in there, it's monkey forest. We entered there for free. Why free? cause we try to enter the exit way ^^ that people though we already been there before so we went there and take some picture and we go to the next round. While we on the road, we stop for while to see elephant cave, paid around Rp 8000 we just enter the place, the place is so interested and the unique of the structure and there's have a Buddhist statue of buddha that already broken and lost some of the part because of the valcano. I was amaze that buddhism also been a part in there Bali before. We finished walk there we go again. We luckily found a banjar that was cutting a pig for their ceremony then we go again and finding for any warung or restaurant near there, after we done with that we go again. suppose we already near kintami but we are lost in the middle of nowhere a new road for us, we just thinking to follow the road, and we found a warung and asked them "how to go to batur" and he just told us to follow the road and suddenly we found a big chicken in there. I forgotten to take that chicken cause of the time we need to chase for. Right and the road now, and now we already back in to it. we finally arrived to near to batur we took some picture done with that we directly go to singraja the town of nice food.
Singaraja, luna has some relative in there, cause it's his mother childhood, now we can sleep for free in there. Singaraja is only have some a black sand, dolphin, quite and nice food. at night we go find some food to eat and go explore there then after done with that we go sleep.
the last day of the journey the destination now is go back to denpasar. We started to go to waterfall near singraja that i forgot the name of the waterfall, while we go there. There have some accident in there, a warung ( warung tuak) got crash by a car. done with snapping picture we directly go to gianyar, and go to denpasar.

It's have a fun day in there and adventure with just two of us. explore north of bali. Now we trying to plant to explore south of bali, that have can be done around 2 days. wish me luck and thank you luna for the trip.

Sometimes the Small Thing Can Turn into a Big Beauty

Beauty not always must be pretty like a top model, or exotic creature like butterfly that everyone already though in their mind that kind of thing can be call as pretty or beautiful. we can make everyone to be a beautiful like a model or exotic like a butterfly by imagine how can we turn the object that you want to to be the pretties. Like this small thing of bug that i took it long time ago. we just recognize that this bug is yakky or you want to kill this little thing, but this bug not so yakky if we can think that this bug can be nice and exotic in the sense of art or beauty itself. every little piece of thing, creature, human, and other else can be nice, we just imagine that we can turn that thing into a beauty way.