Here come again in Bali, what a beautiful place to live and enjoying the moment each time. Bali is beloved place to chill and hangout is so fun, and easy to go (if u have motorcycle), and of course you need a accompany to keep to busy in one hole day and to have fun also, but right now it was different from the other last time i came to here. All my friends and the group now seems disappears, and maybe have their own place to hang out again. Sometimes when i met up with the guys, i felt like great and have a lot of memories to talk about and share about. Yahh.... the more you grow up the more you need to find your responsibility to find your money to keep the hungry bird feed up.
Even so, maybe if every body is busy i might need to go somewhere and have a trip alone. Yah, solo again. My partner of crime now has his own mate now to go. I felt happy with it. Hmmm.... maybe i need to do my own activity and project. Interesting to do, but now just see what will be go with it.