Sunday, December 13, 2009

is so hard

when we had talking to someone who already been love before that seems have the chemistry that memorize all offer it again. i my head is it really about inside my heart or something that of feeling wanted to fix it again and have one more chance to back again. is really stupid that i said like that. i know people have chance to fix their life but when it already done it before that's what the reason people what to fixed and have their better life in the future. (kyaaaaa.... so dramatic( back to reality man))

ya......... if someday i got the chance to get back with someone that i really love to, hmmmm.... i think i just wait, i don't think wait is a good answers for this, wait for it wait for it.... oh ya i try , i don't want to just sit down and wait that usually people were thinking of that, but now let's we also working together with friends from upstair or our believe to guide us hahaha.....

wish me luck guys.

oh ya this day it will be the LATDAS XX for GIRI SUTA so may this event get crazyyyy hahaha.....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

finally home at last

setelah selesai semua tugas2 kuliahku selama ini yg ak kerjakan, akhirny aku bisa balek lage pulang ke kampung halamanku yaitu BALI hehehe..... setibany di bali endak banyak yg berubah walaupun di tinggal setengah tahun perjalanan. palingan yg terbaru mungkin sekolahanku SMA yg dolo dah mao rampung aja sih, sisany BALI MAKIN FUANAS(panas) udah endak ketulungan lage dah. beda banget ama yg dolo2 yg rada2 sejuk2 tp karnak panasny sudah bener2 menusuk dan nunggu bentar d lampu merah aja dah rasany setengah matang >.<

hari ini adalah hari seminar foto yg kedua. sbelumny udah kemaren sih. mayan sih yg ak dpt ilmu banyak dari seminar ini. pembawa acarany tuh Om Darwin bok. kapan lage dia kebali bagi2 ilmuny. walaupun after all banyak yg basic banyak yg break the rule dan berbeda banget apa yg d dpt dari teori yg di dapat waktu d kampus. waktu seksi foto2 dengan modelny wow RAMENY minta ampoen endak kebayang 150 fotographer dadakan memadati tuh 8 model yg udah d sediakan kayak alien lage bentuk kepalany. but after all this event most of all more to modeling lighting studio and indoor, tp kalau pas nanya2 yg laenny jg dia mao sharing dan memberikan solusiny yg baek. nti lah ak kasi fotoku ama dia berdua hahaha...... asekk...
mungkin segini dolo lah cerita yg bisa saya bagi untuk hari ini hehehe....

Women and Soul

some free work that i made after i came to bali. is just about what women are like, and how we look at it.