Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Look at the point and see also the moment

Just few day ago I went to Midvalley Mall to take my deposit from some guy that knows about the things I decided to trust my will on him and her. I felt so guilty that I spend a lot of things on point and shoot things, but this the way I got my idea and felt so happy to try on new things.

Maybe not much of people know her. Probably they also didn't know what her function and capability on taking something. This the way of Advertising propaganda that people only been introduce only her only in this world. The lack of understanding on what they learn now is the thing they only see is 1 type only. I felt so glad that I study on this country and the world of cyber things that I could learn from other thing and know of new things.

I probably need to collect my money from my saving. Maybe this is the end of what I'm searching her world. The world never end with innovation, but an old innovation that people miss understood on their capability.

we should see the different that we look on things and the perspective that we learn from that.

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